CSE498, Collaborative Design, Fall 2023
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

Founded in 1977 and headquartered in Detroit, Urban Science is a leading global data-driven consulting firm that specializes in providing insights and solutions for the automotive industry. With a track record of serving major automakers worldwide, they utilize data and business science to address market challenges and drive success for their clients.

Due to the increasing intricacy of data in modern industries, clients and field staff are encountering the challenge of drawing meaningful conclusions from wide ranges of statistics. In the past, Urban Science hired firms to generate informative content to educate clients of the results of data analytics. This, however, came at a high cost. Recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) create a new avenue for Urban Science to inform clients of analytic results with minimal cost.

Our Synthetic Media web extension mitigates the challenge of complex data analysis by generating a virtual avatar that clearly explains the analysis in an easy to understand and friendly way.

Our web extension displays a wide array of charts and graphs to visually illustrate data trends and changes. Each chart comes equipped with an AI-generated explanation, which is easily accessible with just the click of a button. The generated explanation is given in a text format or via our virtual avatar, which explains the chart with auditory and visual elements for any user that prefers a more human element in their learning experience.

Utilizing our generated explanations, clients can extract meanings and trends that may have been invisible before. The Synthetic Media web extension makes data driven decision-making easier and faster than ever before.

The front end of our user dashboard is written in HTML, CSS, Chart.js, and Angular. The back end is built with FastAPI and Firebase Firestore database in Python.