CSE498, Collaborative Design, Fall 2022
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

Founded in 1999, Vectorform is headquartered in Detroit, Michigan. Vectorform is an invention company that prides itself on its expertise and talent to solve complex technological problems. They combine a variety of technologies such as the Internet of Things, augmented or virtual reality, and other emergent systems to develop solutions for their clients.

Vectorform employees are responsible for tracking their time while working on numerous projects throughout the day. It is important to keep totals of time that are accurate to both the company and client. Manual time tracking leaves room for errors while also being a tedious, time-consuming approach. Additionally, automatic trackers running on a computer can be privacy-invasive.

Our Time Cube system is a physical desktop device that tracks totals of time on projects with a flip of the cube.

Our web application populates the Time Cube with a task on each surface. From there the user starts timing and the device tracks the task facing up on the cube. By rotating the device, a new time entry begins and the web application updates automatically. Timing can be paused by flipping the cube upside-down, indicating a break.

Users can edit the data and correct any user error before confirming their time entries and sending the data to Vectorform’s billing department.

Our system of tracking time provides employees with a fun, tactile approach to their workday. It incorporates manual and automatic processing to diminish the disadvantages of each process.

The web application incorporates ReactJS in the front end and utilizes back-end services including Node.js and SQLite. The Arduino MKR Wi-Fi 1010's firmware is written in C++ and communicates with our front-end system through Bluetooth Low Energy.