CSE498, Collaborative Design, Spring 2022
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

Urban Science is a global automotive consulting firm that works with major automakers. Headquartered in Detroit and founded in 1977, Urban Science transforms market information into success, utilizing data and business science to improve profitability for their automotive partners.

Urban Science constantly receives massive amounts of market information from various sources. With so much information, it is vital for dealers to spend their limited time chasing the most attractive opportunities.

Our Customer Insights Dashboard identifies the most promising opportunities for dealers to pursue. The dashboard provides dealers with customer contact information and the factors that contribute to a good sales opportunity.

Our Customer Insights Dashboard can be opened in any web browser. When a dealer accesses the dashboard, they are taken to a main page that displays opportunities in a table format. Opportunities are rated by their potential. The default sort on the dashboard is by rating. Dealers are also able to sort opportunities by name, rating change and status.

Dealers can click on a table row to navigate to the row’s respective opportunity page, which contains the opportunity’s customer contact information, vehicle model information, and the main factors that contribute to the opportunity’s rating.

The main opportunities page displays only open or new opportunities. Closed opportunities are found in a different page of the web application and are accessible in the menu.

Our system identifies the most promising leads for dealers to pursue, cutting wasted time and increasing sales.

The front end of our Customer Insights Dashboard application is built using Angular. The back end is written in Python and uses a MySQL database with a .NET Core API.