CSE498, Collaborative Design, Fall 2021
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

United Airlines is a major American airline company headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. Every day, United Airlines unites the world using the most comprehensive domestic and international network routes possible. This network connection requires United Airlines to hold themselves to the highest standards in safety and reliability, promote trust, and ensure flights are on schedule.

Within United Airlines, the Technical Operations Quality Assurance division plays a vital role in meeting United Airlines’ shared goals of efficiency, reliability, and safety.

To accomplish this, the United Airlines Quality Assurance team conducts live audits to ensure all equipment and services are maintained according to Federal Aviation Association (FAA) standards. Current audits require handwritten documents that are hard to keep track of and difficult to share.

Our Quality Assurance Audit Center Platform serves off-wing quality assurance auditors and provides them with a solution to have electronic access to audit documentation on their mobile devices. Our system converts a currently paper-and-pencil audit process to completely digital.

Our system recreates digital versions of forms used by auditors, which facilitates easier saving, editing, and submission of audit documentation. Additionally, our mobile applications allow real-time access to the camera to easily photograph and attach evidence to audit forms.

The time of auditors is valuable, and our system allows them to perform their duties in an efficient manner that reduces errors.

The front end of our application is written in Java for Android integration. The back end is hosted on Google Firebase. PHP performs government website scraping and stores updated data on the SQL Database hosted on the Michigan State University server.