CSE498, Collaborative Design, Fall 2021
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

United Airlines, Inc. is a leading American airline headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. In 2019, United and United Express operated more than 1.7 million flights carrying more than 162 million customers to their destinations safely.

Safety is United Airlines’ highest priority at every airport. A major component of that commitment to safety is being aware of the hazards faced by aircraft and operations staff at each gate.

United Airlines Safety & Compliance staff record data on the hazards faced at each airport gate. This information is then referenced by employees when they begin working at the gate to ensure both their own safety, and the safety of their aircraft during operation. United Airlines is exploring ways to further standardize this process and make the information more accessible.

Our Gate Hazard Geo-Mapping software allows staff to enter observed hazards into their mobile device, and automatically generates GPS placement data, as well as an interactive map visualization to allow seamless cataloging and sharing of gate- specific hazard information.

When United Airlines staff identify a hazard, they can open our application and select an airport and gate. They then mark the area where the hazard exists, record a title, description, the level of risk the hazard poses, and which departments should be aware of the hazard.

When other United Airlines employees visit a gate to work, they use our application to quickly familiarize themselves with the hazards at the gate to ensure they are adhering to the strict safety protocols.

The website front end is written in HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. The back end consists of a MySQL database and PHP code for both the API and data processing. The Android and iOS application is written in C# utilizing Xamarin for cross-platform development.