CSE498, Collaborative Design, Fall 2020
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

Headquartered in the heart of Detroit, Michigan’s financial district, Quicken Loans is the United States’ largest online mortgage lender. For ten years they have been a Primary Mortgage Organization, and for seven years a Primary Mortgage Servicing company.

As Quicken Loans has expanded, they have developed the need for a system that not only tracks goals, but also makes them actionable and measurable. This is accomplished by breaking them down into smaller parts, referred to as Objectives and Key Results (OKRs).

Our Rally OKR software is a fully responsive web-based application that allows users to easily track objectives and key results in an intuitive user interface. Dynamic progress updates within the application improve company-wide awareness of overarching goals.

With our system, users can view and manage objectives and key results based on their role, which is determined by Quicken Loans. Upon login, users can view their current assigned objectives and key results, as well as their progress and user’s role.

When selecting either an objective or a key result, its details are displayed. Furthermore, users can write comments to discuss updates for the goals. They can also grade key results anonymously, which then updates the associated objective’s grade as well. Objectives are easily viewable in a hierarchy within the application, showing how each objective is linked.

Our system allows Quicken Loans’ teams to track their progress toward goals in smaller, more manageable pieces and visualize them intuitively, as well as increase company-wide communication, increasing productivity in the workplace.

Our application uses .NET Core for the API with a MySQL database hosted on Amazon Web Services. The API is hosted on Heroku, and the front end utilizes ReactJS.