CSE498, Collaborative Design, Spring 2019
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

Evolutio is a group of technology professionals convinced that business problems have significantly simpler solutions than the market is led to believe. Living and breathing big data, one tool they use to help meet their customers’ goals is Cisco’s AppDynamics platform, designed to learn application behavior as well as visualize critical health and performance data.

Dashboards are one of the best ways AppDynamics makes the data visible and understandable to the user.vFor example, it can let the company know if the site is getting too much traffic and unless more servers are put into use the site could slow considerably or even crash.

A company’s applications are crucial to attracting new customers or retaining existing ones. AppDynamics reminds them how their complex apps directly affect their businesses.

Our AppDynamics Platform Configuration Tool is utilized by Evolutio to deploy efficiently dynamic template dashboards that allow for quick and easy exportation across applications. It significantly reduces the amount of work required to create custom dashboards by using specially created templates and a simple-to-use interface assisting in dashboard deployment.

There also is an Amazon Alexa feature that interfaces with AppDynamics. Customers simply use their favorite Alexa device to ask questions about the performance of and health information for a given application that AppDynamics is monitoring and receive easy-to-understand results.

Our AppDynamics Platform Configuration Tool is written in JavaScript and communicates via a Java RESTful API. The Alexa skill is run via an AWS Lambda function.