CSE498, Collaborative Design, Fall 2017
Computer Science and Engineering
Michigan State University

Headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, Union Pacific is a leading transportation company with over 8,500 locomotives running on 32,100 miles of track across 23 states.

Union Pacific provides a variety of training software for its crews. For their simulation training to be effective, it must include realistic three-dimensional (3D) environments with appropriate topography, soils, water and vegetation.

Our application, RailBuilder: The Great Race to Promontory, enables users to generate accurate 3D terrain maps of the United States easily and quickly. Our companion railroad game showcases our terrain building capabilities.

Players easily create, name and save maps of any part of the continental US using our Map Creator editor. The resulting 3D maps include all of the appropriate topography, soils, water and vegetation depending on the area selected.

Once a map is created, our game places two rail stations on the map. A player must then connect the stations by building a railroad between them. RailBuilder is easy for anyone to learn how to play and provides a challenge for even the most experienced veterans.

RailBuilder is a standalone app that runs on any Windows computer. All maps are saved locally so each player enjoys a unique experience.

RailBuilder is written in C# using the Unity3D game engine. Our backend uses integration from Google Maps and the United States Geological Survey.